百度知道 - 信息提示

日期:2025-01-13 07:35:56 人气:1

百度知道 - 信息提示



需要分析: A.车寻航线: 1.根据旅客提出的起点站,终点站名输出下列信息:航班号,票价,折扣,最多载客量,是否满载,起飞时间,降落时间和飞行时间; 2.根据订票乘客的姓名可以查询所订航班的航班号,座位号,飞行日期等信息; 3.根据航班号查询航班的起点站,中转站,终点站名,票价,折扣,最多载客量,是否满载,起飞时间,降落时间和飞行时间; B.承办客户提出的要求(航班号、订票数额)查询该航班票额情况,若有余票,则为客户办理订票手续,输出座位号,需付款项信息;若已满员或余票额少于盯票额,则需重新询问客户要求。若需要,可登记排队候补; C.根据客户提供的情况(日期、航班),为客户办理退票手续。(然后查询该航班是否有人排队候补,首先询问排第一的客户,若所退票额所能满足他的要求,则为他办理订票手续,否则依次询问其他排队候补客户); E.内部人员对航班情况的控制: 可以录入航班信息,删除航班信息,修改航班信息,查看基本航班信息。 概要设计: 因为每个客户名单或查询名单都包括多个数据域,这样就需要有一个能存储多个数据域的数据类型来存储,因此采用单链表类型。由于航线的信息是固定的,可选用结构体数组,又因为订票与预约人数无法预计,可选用链表存储信息。 线性表的单链表存储结构:typedef struct LNode{ ElemType; Struct Lnode*next;}LNode,*LinkList; a.抽象数据类型顺序表的定义如下: ADT SqList{ 数据对象:D={ai|ai∈数据类型,i=1,2,3...,n} 数据关系:R1={|ai-1,ai∈D,i=1,2,3...,n} 基本操作: InitList_Sq(&L) 操作结果:创建空的顺序表。 CreatList_Sq(&L) 操作结果:建立顺序表。 }ADT SqList b.抽象数据类型单链表的定义如下: ADT LinkList{ 数据对象:D={ai|ai∈结构类型,i=1,2,3...,n,n>0} 数据关系:R1={|ai-1,ai∈D,i=1,2,3...,n} 基本操作: InitList_L(&L) 操作结果:创建空的顺序表。 }ADT LinkList 在main()里调用各个函数 2.主程序 void main(){ 初始化; do{ 接受命令; 处理命令; }while(“命令”!=“退出”); } 3.程序的模块调用: 三.详细设计: 1.所有数据类型: struct plan /*航班数据*/ { char num[5];/*航班号码*/ char city[10];/*到达城市*/ char up[8];/*航班起飞时间*/ char down[8];/*航班到达时间*/ int pric ;/*航班价格*/ int rshu ;/*人数*/ int zheg[4];/*价格折扣*/ } ; struct man/*定票人数据*/ { char num[10];/*身份证号码*/ char nam[10];/*姓名*/ int demand ;/*定票数量*/ } ; typedef struct node/*航班数据结点*/ { struct plan data ; struct node*next ; } Node,*Link ; typedef struct people/*乘客数据结点*/ { struct man data ; struct people*next ; } peo,*LIN ; 2.程序所用函数: void print()/*界面输出*/ { printf("============================System of book ticket===============================\n"); printf("\n"); printf("\t***********************************************************\n"); printf("\t*\t1---Bookticket \t2---Dishonorbill *\n"); printf("\t*\t3---Adding flight\t4---Adding flight *\n"); printf("\t*\t5---Modify \t6---Advice *\n"); printf("\t*\t7---Save \t8---exit *\n"); printf("\t##########################################################\n"); } 添加航班模块 void add(Link l)/*添加航班数据*/ { Node*p,*r,*s ; char num[10]; r=l ; s=l->next ; while(r->next!=NULL) r=r->next ; while(1) { printf("please input the number of the plan(0-return)");/*输入0就返回*/ scanf("%s",num); if(strcmp(num,"0")==0) break ; while(s) { if(strcmp(s->data.num,num)==0) { printf("=====tip:the number'%s'has been born!\n",num); return ; } s=s->next ; } p=(Node*)malloc(sizeof(Node));/*航班数据输入*/ strcpy(p->data.num,num); printf("Input the city where the plan will reach:");/*飞机到达地城市*/ scanf("%s",p->data.city); getchar(); printf("Input the time which the plan take off:");/*起飞时间*/ scanf("%s",p->data.up); getchar(); printf("Input the time which the plan reach:");/*降落时间*/ scanf("%s",&p->data.down); getchar(); printf("Input the price of ticket:$");/*机票价格*/ scanf("%d",&p->data.pric); getchar(); printf("Input the number of people who have booked ticket:");/*定票数量*/ scanf("%d",&p->data.rshu); getchar(); printf("Input the agio of the ticket:"); scanf("%s",&p->data.zheg); getchar(); p->next=NULL ; r->next=p ; r=p ; shoudsave=1 ; } } 输出模块 void pri(Node*p)/*输出函数*/ { printf("\n\t\t\tThe following is the record you want:\n"); printf("\nnumber of plan: %s",p->data.num); printf("\ncity the plan will reach: %s",p->data.city); printf("\nthe time the plan take off: %s\nthe time the plan reach: %s",p->data.up,p->data.down); printf("\nthe price of the ticket: %d",p->data.pric); printf("\nthe number of people who have booked ticket: %d",p->data.rshu); printf("\nthe agio of the ticket:%s",p->data.zheg); } 退出函数模块 Node*Locate1(Link l,char findmess[],char numorcity[]) { Node*r ; if(strcmp(numorcity,"num")==0) { r=l->next ; while(r) { if(strcmp(r->data.num,findmess)==0) return r ; r=r->next ; } } else if(strcmp(numorcity,"city")==0) { r=l->next ; while(r) { if(strcmp(r->data.city,findmess)==0) return r ; r=r->next ; } } return 0 ; } 航班信息模块 void qur(Link l)/*航班信息查询*/ { Node*p ; int sel ; char str1[5],str2[10]; if(!l->next) { printf("TIP:there are not any record to be inquired for you!"); return ; } printf("Choose the way:(1->according to the number of plan;2->according to the city):");/*选择航班号查询和终点城市查询*/ scanf("%d",&sel); if(sel==1) { printf("Input the the number of plan:"); scanf("%s",str1); p=Locate1(l,str1,"num"); if(p) { printf("the following is what you want:\n"); pri(p); } else { mark1=1 ; printf("\nthe file can't be found!"); } } else if(sel==2) { printf("Input the city:"); scanf("%s",str2); p=Locate1(l,str2,"city"); if(p) { printf("the following is what you want:\n"); pri(p); } else { mark1=1 ; printf("\nthe file can't be found!"); } } } 定票模块 void buy(Link l,LIN k)/*定票函数*/ { Node*r[10],*p ; int ch,dem ; peo*v,*h ; int i=0,t=0 ; char str[10],str1[10],str2[10]; v=k ; while(v->next!=NULL) v=v->next ; printf("Input the city you want to go: ");/*航班终点站城市*/ scanf("%s",&str); p=l->next ; while(p!=NULL) { if(strcmp(p->data.city,str)==0) { r[i]=p ; i++; } p=p->next ; } printf("\n\nthe number of record have %d\n",i); for(t=0;t<i;t++) pri(r[t]); if(i==0) printf("\n\tSorry!Can't find the plan for you!\n"); else { printf("\ndo you want to book it?\n"); printf("please choose: "); scanf("%d",&ch); if(ch==1) { h=(peo*)malloc(sizeof(peo));/*重新分配空间*/ printf("Input your name: "); scanf("%s",&str1); strcpy(h->data.nam,str1); printf("Input your id: "); scanf("%s",&str2); strcpy(h->data.num,str2); printf("Input your demand: "); scanf("%d",&dem); h->data.demand=dem ; h->next=NULL ; v->next=h ; v=h ; printf("\n\tLucky!Success in booking ticket!"); getch(); shoudsave=1 ; } } } peo*Locate2(LIN k,char findmess[]) { peo*r ; r=k->next ; while(r) { if(strcmp(r->data.num,findmess)==0) { mark=1 ; return r ; } r=r->next ; } return 0 ; } 退票模块 void tui(LIN k)/*退票函数*/ { char str[10]; peo*p,*r ; int ch2=0 ; printf("Input your id: ");/*输入身份证号*/ scanf("%s",&str); p=Locate2(k,str); if(mark!=1) printf("can't find the people!"); else if(mark==1) { mark=0 ; printf("\t\t\tthe following is the record you want:\n"); printf("your id:%s\n",p->data.num); printf("name:%s\n",p->data.nam); printf("your denmand:%d",p->data.demand); printf("\ndo you want to refund the ticket?"); scanf("%d",&ch2); if(ch2==1) { if(p) { r=k ; while(r->next!=p) r=r->next ; r->next=p->next ; free(p); } count2--; printf("\nyou have sucessed in refunding ticket!"); shoudsave=1 ; } } } void Modify(Link l)/*修改航班信息*/ { Node*p ; char findmess[20],ch ; if(!l->next) { printf("\n=====tip:there isn't record for you to modify!\n"); return ; } else { qur(l); if(mark1==0) { printf("\nDo you want to modify it?\n"); getchar(); scanf("%c",&ch); if(ch=='y'); { printf("\nInput the number of the plan:"); scanf("%s",findmess); p=Locate1(l,findmess,"num"); if(p) { printf("Input another number of plan:"); scanf("%s",&p->data.num); getchar(); printf("Input another city the plan will reach:"); scanf("%s",&p->data.city); getchar(); printf("Input another time the plan take off"); scanf("%s",&p->data.up); printf("Input another time the plan reach:"); scanf("%s",&p->data.down); printf("Input another price of the ticket::"); scanf("%d",&p->data.pric); printf("Input another number of people who have booked ticket:"); scanf("%d",&p->data.rshu); printf("Input another agio of the ticket:"); scanf("%s",&p->data.zheg); printf("\n=====>tip:modifying record is sucessful!\n"); shoudsave=1 ; } else printf("\tcan't find the flight!"); } } else mark1=0 ; } } void advice(Link l)/*终点站航班查询*/ { Node*r ; char str[10]; int mar=0 ; r=l->next ; printf("Iuput the city you want to go: ");/*输入终点站城市*/ scanf("%s",str); while(r) { if(strcmp(r->data.city,str)==0&&r->data.rshu<200) { mar=1 ; printf("\nyou can select the following plan!\n"); printf("\n\nplease select the fourth operation to book the ticket!\n"); pri(r); } r=r->next ; } if(mar==0) printf("\n\t\t\tyou can't book any ticket now!\n"); } void save1(Link l)/*保存数据*/ { FILE*fp ; Node*p ; int count=0,flag=1 ; fp=fopen("g:\\data1","wb"); if(fp==NULL) { printf("the file can't be opened!"); return ; } p=l->next ; while(p) { if(fwrite(p,sizeof(Node),1,fp)==1) { p=p->next ; count++; } else { flag=0 ; break ; } } if(flag) { printf("the number of the record which have been saved is %d\n",count); shoudsave=0 ; } fclose(fp); } void save2(LIN k) /*保存数据*/ { FILE*fp ; peo*p ; int count=0,flag=1 ; fp=fopen("g:\\data2","wb");/*文件连接*/ if(fp==NULL) { printf("the file can't be opened!"); return ; } p=k->next ; while(p) { if(fwrite(p,sizeof(peo),1,fp)==1) { p=p->next ; count++; } else { flag=0 ; break ; } } if(flag) { printf("the number of the record which have been saved is %d\n",count); shoudsave=0 ; } fclose(fp); } 四.主函数模块: main() { FILE*fp1,*fp2 ; Node*p,*r ; char ch1,ch2 ; Link l ; LIN k ; peo*t,*h ; int sel ; l=(Node*)malloc(sizeof(Node)); l->next=NULL ; r=l ; k=(peo*)malloc(sizeof(peo)); k->next=NULL ; h=k ; fp1=fopen("g:\\data1","ab+"); if((fp1==NULL)) { printf("can't open the file!"); return 0 ; } while(!feof(fp1)) { p=(Node*)malloc(sizeof(Node)); if(fread(p,sizeof(Node),1,fp1)==1) { p->next=NULL ; r->next=p ; r=p ; count1++; } } fclose(fp1); fp2=fopen("g:\\data2","ab+"); if((fp2==NULL)) { printf("can't open the file!"); return 0 ; } while(!feof(fp2)) { t=(peo*)malloc(sizeof(peo)); if(fread(t,sizeof(peo),1,fp2)==1) { t->next=NULL ; h->next=t ; h=t ; count2++; } } fclose(fp2); while(1) { getch(); clrscr(); print(); printf("please choose the operation(1-8): "); scanf("%d",&sel); if(sel==8) { if(shoudsave==1) { getchar(); printf("\n=====tip:the file have been changed!do you want to save it(y/n)?\n"); scanf("%c",&ch1); if(ch1=='y'||ch1=='Y') { save2(k); save1(l); } } printf("\n\tyou have exited! Happy serve for you"); break ; } switch(sel) { case 1 : buy(l,k); break ; case 2 : tui(k); break ; case 3 : qur(l); break ; case 4 : add(l); break ; case 5 : Modify(l); break ; case 6 : advice(l); break ; case 7 : { save1(l); save2(k); break ; } case 8 : exit(0); } } getch(); }
