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hey, hey, hey 打印此页 歌手:elvis presley 专辑:clambake [original soundtrack] all right girls, I'll show you what to do
This boat will sparkle like a diamond
when we get through
By the numbers there ain't much time
We're gonna start an assembly line
Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey!
Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey!
You get the sandpaper, you get the pails
You get the hammer baby, you get the nails
You get the paint, you get the brush
'Cause we're gonna give it the special touch
Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey!
Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey!
We got a magic potion
that will help us win
I don't know how to spell it but dip right in
Blako-oxy-tonic phosphate,
it's the latest scoop
But that's all right girls
you can call it "Goop"
Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey!
Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey!
Work the sandpaper, hammer that nail
Tote that paintbrush and lift that pail
Get a rhythm going, nice and easy
Come on and use a little elbow greasy
作曲:Robert Lay @ On Your Mark
编曲:Robert Lay @ On Your Mark
如果 兄妹相称太多 醒不起喜欢我
快研究和我这异性 拍拖
讹称 知己的真太多
当女共男未变爱侣 不吻过自然没结果
能做对爱侣 堕落成朋友 谁心息
兄妹真有趣 不需要分居 忘记辈份再追
相恋的证据 假使要争取 唯有约定和大哥喝醉*
曾经 想手执一柄枪
想逼供你一趟 我和你无爱 谁没有智商
如果 恋爱必须创伤
想你亦明白到我俩 虽开心都也受够伤