百度知道 - 信息提示

日期:2024-12-26 11:03:48 人气:1

百度知道 - 信息提示



This is the world belongs to oneself, All has been dreamed to be too perfect, The world enjoys in silence at the bottom of my heart, Dreams of being perfect have already turned into ashes. Searching endlessly for an answer, Did you ever believe in perfection? You ask the same question to the whole world, But the answer only exists in your imagination. I used to ask the time, "Is there such a thing of being perfect really exists in the world?" The time answered, 'Perfection will eventually turn to become imperfect one day because of me." I used to ask the madding crowd, "Is there such a thing of being perfect really exists in the world?" The madding crowd answered, "Sometimes, the only thing the world needs is peace and calm." Perhaps there is no place for perfection in this world. Perhaps the world is not perfect, but being imperfect in itself is perfect enough for this world.



突击搜查这家伦敦商店并发现多余一百件“Shahtoosh”品牌的披肩的警察来自伦敦警局野生动物犯罪组。这是一个特殊的部门,他们的职责是寻找在伦敦非法销售的保护动物制品。 身体某部位拥有极高价值的动物,藏羚羊不是唯一的一种。用来做皮包和皮鞋的爬行动物表皮,用来制作大衣的濒危动物的皮毛仅仅是凤毛麟角。而且交易更涉及到活体的动物,有许多人希望自己拥有独特的宠物,他们亟待花高价购买非法进口的动物。 自1995年野生动物犯罪组成立起,小组已向众多伦敦市民,尤其是店主解释为什么要保护(此类)动物的原因。 您觉得这个答案对您有帮助吗?
