百度知道 - 信息提示

日期:2025-01-02 00:25:26 人气:1

百度知道 - 信息提示


帮忙翻译 下面的两段话,谢谢

呈堂证供表现出每一天目击者们的观测是多么不精确。一个既定的事件会被很多目击者以不同的方式看到。一些目击者比其他人看到的多,但几乎没有人能在视线范围内看到所有东西。 只有失聪者会感激听力,只有盲人能够意识到目光中各式各样的祈祷。这些尤其适用于那些在成年后失明和失聪的人。



您的要求是相当高的, 但你非常有自信!祝你好运! " Ideally my expected salary is 5000 Yuan. I have several reasons for this scale. Firstly, it is based on the current salary bracket for this sector. I understand that my position/post is entitled to earn a salary of approximately XXXX Yuan. Secondly, it is fixed according to my previous salary scales. My last drawn salary from previous employment is XXXX Yuan, and this corresponds with my psychological amount today. Lastly, and most importantly, the scale which I expect to be awarded in fact reflects my working capability. I also trust that the Company has a reasonable, standard salary scale which can support an employee who has three years working hands-on experience and possesses the necessary skills, to contribute whole-heartedly to the growth of the enterprise. "
