百度知道 - 信息提示

日期:2024-12-30 04:03:11 人气:1

百度知道 - 信息提示


谁能帮我把这段汉语翻译成英文?不要用翻译软件噢    在线等    谢谢

刚到这的时候我感觉这的一切都是新鲜的,新的城市,新的学校,会认识新的朋友,开始新的生活,一切都是新的,让我感到特别兴奋,开始的一周里,并没有太多的不适应,每天和新同学一起上课,有时会结伴一起出去逛一逛,吃个饭,总之第一周很快就过去,而且是愉快的一周。 Everthing here is new for me at the moment of my arriving, a new city, new school, new friends and a complete new life, all of these really makes me excited. During the first week starting life here, I quickly fit in, I had class with new classmates, went out and ate together with them, in short, it passed very soon, and really pleasant.


哪位大神给我把这段翻译为英文 不要用翻译软件 急用!!!!拜托

Nowadays, with the continuous development of economic globalization, the communication between China and Western countries getting frequent, understanding and learning social etiquette play a more and more important role to strengthening the communication between China and the western countries. As an indispensable part of etiquette -- table manners plays an irreplaceable role. Due to the influence of different value and way of thinking, China and western table manners are not the same. There are many difference before meals, during meals and after meals.
