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急求英文高手哥哥姐姐帮忙翻译下下面文章,再此感谢 请别拿翻译软件谷歌翻译的回复谢谢

许多学过英语的人在阅读英文原版书籍或看原版英文影视片时,常常感到有一定的困难,其主要原因甚由于不熟悉英语俚语.本文就英语俚语的涵义、形式与内容上的特点及其翻译的方法谈几点看法。 俚语作为一种新的语言形式,是在十九世纪中期出现在英语辞典中的,当时对它的内涵和外延的界定主要有以下几种表述: “俚语是由一些特殊的词,即由某些个别人想出来的,而社会上所有的成员都不甚了解的词组成的。” “俚语是一种语言形式,它是由于一些人想摆脱社会强加于我们普通语言而产生的。”“俚语是未经固定的语言规范所承认的口语," 从以上的表述中,很容易让人感到似乎凡是与通用语言标准用法规则不一致的各种不规范、或者不正确的言语形式都可以称为俚语,这种想法显然是不科学的。因为如果这样,俚语在语言中就没有一席之地。这种对俚语不准确的理解,说明在那个时代俚语内涵处于不确定的时期,也说明那时对英语词汇研究的薄弱。理语在英语中的存在是个客观事实,因此我们不但要承认它在英语语言中的地位,而且还应对它的内涵及外延进行科学的界定,只有这样,才能比较准确地找到它在英语中应有的地位。 俚语究竟有何内涵呢?从广义上讲,它是产生和流行于民间的比较侄俗的用语单位,它具有谐趣上的特点:它不仅包括具有思想上的训诲性和行为上的劝诫性的一般意义的谚语和民谣, 翻译成英语式: Many who had learned English in reading original English books, or see the original English language scripts, often feel a certain difficulties, the main reasons why not familiar with English slang because of English slang. This paper discusses the meaning, form and content of the characteristics and methods of translation views about. Slang for a new language form, is in the 19th century in the middle of the English dictionary, appear to it at the denotation and connotation of the definition of expression basically has the following kinds: "By some special slang is the word that certain individuals, and to all the members of the society is composed of the word". "Slang is a kind of language forms, it is because some people want to get rid of society impose our common language." "Without fixed slang is acknowledged by regulating the language spoken." From the above statement, easy to let a person feel seems all language standard usage rules of various non-standard inconsistency or incorrect words form can be called slang, the idea is obviously not science. If so, the slang in language without a place. This kind of slang not understand that at the time of uncertainty in slang connotation, also explain that the study of English vocabulary. The existence of English language in Daniel's objective facts, therefore we should not only admits it in English language, but also to the status of its connotation and denotation for scientific definition, only in this way, can more accurately find it in English. Slang how content? In a broad sense, it is popular in comparison with the common folk Zhi language units, it has the characteristics of banter: it includes not only has the ideological instruction and behavior of the general meaning of exhortation proverbs and folk, 纯手动,但是这句子很长,你要注意一下标音”和’ 弄错了就白抄了


急求英文高手哥哥姐姐帮忙翻译下面一段文字 在此感谢 请别用翻译软件翻译网站的东西回复谢谢

Although many scholars believe that it was difficult to something presentable and acceptable slang,The focus is not English,After all, it comes from the actual,Oral expression of the common people from everyday,Is the most direct expression of a culture carrier。In order to fully learn and master the English language,At the same time to really understand the English-speaking peoples、Learning slang、Comprehension and English translation also plays an important role。Especially in the English translation of English slang for the word meaning、Equivalent of style and culture, and efforts are more effective in helping to achieve successful cross-cultural communication.
