百度知道 - 信息提示
I am a Chinese对Chinese划线提问用什么
I am a Chinese 和 I am Chinese 有什么区别
I am Chinese 我是中国人,炎黄子孙,演讲稿。
I am a Chinese我是一个中国人,中国人 ,我是个中国人,我是一个中国人。
I am Chinese词语搭配
(1)、I am also Chinese 我也是中国人
(2)、I am however Chinese 我可是中国人
(3)、Yes I am Chinese 是的
(4)、I am Chinese man 我是中国人文 ; 我的中国男人 ; 我是中国人
I am a Chinese 词语搭配
(1)、I am a Chinese Ah 我是个中国人啊
(2)、I am a Chinese player 我是中国玩家
(3)、I am a Chinese person 我是一个中国人
(4)、I am a Chinese Mandarin 我是中国人请说汉语
I am a Chinese的双语例句
(1)、It might be because I am a Chinese.
(2)、I could not tell what that was, but I knew why I was touch: I am a Chinese.
(3)、Taxpayer: I am a Chinese employee in a foreign investment enterprise. I had been sent abroad towork for aperiod of time.
纳税人: 我是外金公司的中方雇员,不久前出国工作一段时间。
I am Chinese的双语例句
(1)、Lee is shown bursting with Chinese pride in a trailer shown at the news conference, bellowing "Iam Chinese" to spectators after defeating a foreign opponent.
(2)、I am Chinese living in Israel for five plus years - I speak hebrew as well so I can understand whatIsraelis really mean.
(3)、I am Chinese, but I grew up in America, so my Chinese is not good.
我是中国人,但是我在美国长大, 所以我的中文不好。