百度知道 - 信息提示
1.请问你在餐厅里吃还是外卖打包呢?(Do you eat to still sell to pack outside in the restaurant?)
2.请问你要辣的还是不辣的呢?(Do you want to be hot is still not hot?)
3.请问你需要来一个蛋塔试试吗?(Do you need to come to an egg tart to try?)
4.请问你要冷饮还是热饮呢?(Do you want a cold drink or a hot drink?)
5.儿童套餐有玩具赠送。(Child's fix menu in restaurant has a toy to present.)
6.请问你有零钱吗?(Do you have a small change?)
7.欢迎下次光临!(Welcome to come next time)
Appologize that we are currently working hard to get the samples completed as soon as possible. Mr Xu from your JiangSu office told me, the China office had already informed Headquater and tried to get the approval that all product suppolier could send the samples by earlier in July. Regarding the data card, we could send them before we complete the samples. I thought you were aware of the situation, otherwise I definitely would have replied your email.
If possible, would you please explain our situation here to someone may have the concern in your company and let them understand what happened now.
I apologize for any inconvenience.