百度知道 - 信息提示

日期:2024-12-27 17:41:43 人气:1

百度知道 - 信息提示



yeah.....samething with the title 耶……一些有主题的东西 but about what? i don't know ...... 但是关于什么呢?我不知道…… i just feels like something is beautiful and sad 我只是感觉有些美丽和伤感 if you want something more then everything you might have to give up little thing to get it 如果你想得到的比你或许拥有的所有动西还有多,那么就放弃一些东西来得到它 so, how about you give up too much ? 那么,如果放弃很多怎么样呢? you will lost it 你就会失去它。 this how the life is 这就是生活 i try again and again and again ... 我尝试了一又一次…… i still can't be myself no more 我始终再也找不到自我 but this is not important no more 但这些已不再重要 as long as you guys happy 正如你们所高兴的一样 The remaining is not inportant no more... 已经拥有的不再重要…… only god know how i feel 只有老天知道我的感受
