
日期:2017-12-16 09:24:44 人气:1


  文献综述,它是对选题阅读工作进行进一步整理:   技巧一:瞄准主流。主流文献,如该领域的核心期刊、经典著作、专职部门的研究报告、重要的观点和论述等,是做文献综述的“必修课”。而多数大众媒体上的相关报道或言论,虽然多少有点价值,但时间精力所限,可以从简。   技巧二:随时整理,如对文献进行分类,记录文献信息和藏书地点。做论文的时间很长,有的文献看过了当时不一定有用,事后想起来却找不着了,所以有时记录是很有必要的。对于特别重要的文献,不妨做一个读书笔记,摘录其中的重要观点和论述。这样一步一个脚印,到真正开始写论文时就积累了大量“干货”,可以随时享用。   技巧三:要按照问题来组织文献综述。 有学者说:“文献综述就像是在文献的丛林中开辟道路,这条道路本来就是要指向我们所要解决的问题,当然是直线距离最短、最省事,但是一路上风景颇多,迷恋风景的人便往往绕行于迤逦的丛林中,反而“乱花渐欲迷人眼”,找不到问题主线了。因此,在做文献综述时,头脑时刻要清醒:我要解决什么问题,人家是怎么解决问题的,说的有没有道理,就行了”。


本次毕业设计的任务是完成美庐7#单体建筑土建工程与给排水工程的BIM建模及其基础上的工程量计算与施工组织设计文件的编制,根据国家相关技术政策和要求,结合本工程的性质条件,编制出优质合理的施工方案,统筹安排拟建工程各个方面,来保证完成施工任务,达到优质、经济、安全是施工组织设计的基本任务。 在完成这项毕业设计时,在图书馆与网上查找了关于土建与给排水工程施工组织设计的文献资料。从我国目前施工组织设计的编制情况来看,施工组织编制人员缺乏相应理论知识基础和具体工作经验,未能合理有效编制施工组织设计,使工程不能更好的完成,施工组织设计应该根据不同工程的特点编制适合的施工方案,使工程更好更快的完成。这些文献资料记录的众多案例,为我编制美庐7#土建与给排水工程的施工组织设计提供了理论基础和部分参考。 The task of this graduation project is to complete the BIM modeling of the civil engineering and water supply and drainage engineering of Meilu 7# single building and the calculation of the amount of engineering and the compilation of the construction organization design documents based on the national technical policies and requirements. The nature and conditions of this project, compiling a high-quality and reasonable construction plan, and coordinating arrangements for all aspects of the proposed project to ensure the completion of construction tasks, and achieving high quality, economy, and safety are the basic tasks of construction organization design. When completing this graduation project, I searched the library and the Internet for literature on the construction organization design of civil engineering and water supply and drainage engineering. Judging from the current situation of the construction organization design in China, the construction organization staff lack the corresponding theoretical knowledge base and specific work experience, and fail to compile the construction organization design reasonably and effectively, so that the project cannot be completed better. The characteristics of the preparation of suitable construction plans, so that the project can be completed better and faster. The numerous cases recorded in these documents provide a theoretical basis and some references for me to compile the construction design of the Meilu 7# civil engineering and water supply and drainage project.
