
日期:2017-11-23 17:18:26 人气:2


首先声明我不是高手哦。。但是可以推荐点听过的歌。。有的可能有点早,还有的可能相当早,Casablanca偶尔还会听(夜幕人静的时候听别有意境) 糖果盒子的we can work it out ,life is cool 杰西 麦肯尼的because you live breathless (肖恩沃德的那首)还有他的until you owl city的the saltwater room far away from home love in December i told you so cry on my shoulder my love(西域男孩的) our canon in D Dido的life for rent winter in my heart apologize never have a dream come true out of this club A-teens的firefly I could be the one 冯曦妤的a little love heartbeats top of the world if you come to me nothing in the world Jason Mraz的lucky lucky star littlest things 要是你英语想达到一定的高度听阿姆的歌咯,说唱 Stan(比较早了),mockingbird(阿姆写给女儿的歌) 莎拉寇娜的love is colour blind也不错 上面的歌是听的比较多的,love in December的歌词尤为简单,听五六遍就会唱了 其他的歌。。要看字幕就在酷狗上下载吧,歌曲和词是同步下载的。。 另外有一些英语网站,有听歌写歌词的,你在网上搜搜吧 我有段时间迷上抄歌词,那感觉挺好的,就是把喜欢听的英语歌的歌词,听写下来,不过那是暑假时候干的事,当时时间比较充足。。 楼主是要考四级么,呵呵,加油啊~~~


1.考四级就要听四级真题,建议先不要做题,而是利用四级真题听力作为听写材料,一句一句的听,一句一句的写,刚开始听不懂是正常的,但不要放弃,这样坚持听了5篇左右后你会发现质的变化的! 2.有空的时候听听VOA做泛听练习,培养感觉! 3.背四级的高频单词!一定要会读会写!



Calypso 这似乎是我用心听的第一首英文歌曲。当时为了学英语买回了疯狂英语,而约翰丹佛的这首歌也深深吸引了我。约翰丹佛曾说过这是他最好的一首歌。虽然他已经离开我们很久了,但我们会永远记住他,记住他的音乐。 背起吉他,千山万水走遍;愿随清风,留丝缕乐魂人间。 To sail on a dream on a crystal clear ocean To ride on the crest of a wild raging storm To work in the service of life and the living In search of the answers to questions unknown To be part of the movement and part of the growing Part of beginning to understand Aye, Calypso, the places you’ve been to The things that you’ve shown us The stories you tell Aye, Calypso, I sing to your spirit The men who have served you So long and so well Like the dolphin who guides you You bring us beside you To light up the darkness and show us the way For though we are strangers in your silent world To live on the land we must learn from the sea To be true as the tide And free as the wind-swell Joyful and loving in letting it be Aye, Calypso, the places you’ve been to The things that you’ve shown us The stories you tell Aye, Calypso, I sing to your spirit The men who have served you So long and so well Aye, Calypso, the places you’ve been to The things that you’ve shown us The stories you tell Aye, Calypso, I sing to your spirit The men who have served you So long and so well Seasons in the sun 这首歌在西方是一只脍炙人口的经典名曲。这首歌旋律优美,情绪纯实。歌词很棒,以平实而民间的口气讲述了一个普通青年对爱情,亲情和友情的态度,表达了他乐观,勇敢,健康的性格。这首歌曾在CCYV-OUTLOOK中播出过,本来是一首一个将要死的人临终时唱的歌曲,但被翻唱后显得更为动人,虽然仍带有一丝淡淡忧愁,但更多的是给人以积极向上的感觉。特别是其中we have joy, we have fun ,we have season in the sun,更让人觉得,生活中更多的是美好,在遭遇挫折时,我们应该想到,我们还有那过去的阳光季节…… Goodbye to U're my trusted friend. We're known each other we're nine or ten. Together we've climb hills & trees. Learned of love & ABC. Skinned our hearts & skinned our knees. Goodbye my friend it's hard to die. When all the birds are singing in the sky. Now the spring in the air. Pretty girls are everywhere. Think of me & I'll be there. We had joy,we had fun. We had seasons in the sun. But the hills. That we climbed were just seasons out of time. Goodbye papa please pray for me. I was the black sheep of the family. You tried to teach me right from wrong. Too much wine & too much song. Wonder how I got along. Goodbye papa is hard to die. When all the birds are singing in the sky. Now the spring in the air. Little children everywhere. When U see them I'll be there. We had joy,we had fun. We had seasons in the sun. But the wild & the song. Like the season has all gone. We had joy,we had fun. We had seasons in the sun. But the wild & the song. Like the season has all gone. Goodbye Michelle my little one. U gave me love & help me find the sun. And every time that I was down. U should always come around. And get my feet back on the ground. Goodbye Michelle it's hard to die. When all the birds are singing in the sky. Now the spring in the air. With the flowers everywhere. I wish that we could both be there ! We had joy,we had fun. We had seasons in the sun. But the hills. That we climbed were just seasons out of time. We had joy,we had fun. We had seasons in the sun. But the wild & the song. Like the season has all gone. We had joy,we had fun. We had seasons in the sun. But the wild & the song. Like the season has all gone. We had joy,we had fun. We had seasons in the sun. But the wild & the song. Like the season has all gone. We had joy,we had fun. We had seasons in the sun. Here I Am 风掺着雨,雨掺着泪。 照耀在夏夜星空 那里有哭泣的马拉多纳 那里有狂放的巴帝斯图塔 那里的旗帜永远飘扬 那里的歌声永远激扬 不要告诉我 传说中的结局 我愿去守侯 在每一个风起的日子 相信喜欢体育的人,尤其是喜欢足球的朋友,在CCTV5上能经常听到这首使人抒情励志的歌。这首歌曲以大气的配乐和演唱者独特沙哑的嗓音,为球迷带来了足球和音乐的完美结合!豪迈磅礴的“here i am”同时也是《小马精灵》的主题曲,歌曲把小马王斯比瑞特追求自由永不屈服的英雄形象表现的淋漓尽致!运动员在球场上的表现和这首歌要传达的精神是如此的契合。 Here I am this is me There's no where else on earth I'd rather be Here I am it's just me and you And tonight we make our dreams come true It's a new world it's a new start It's alive with the beating of young hearts It's a new day it 's a new plan I've been waiting for you Here I am ...... Here we are we've just begun And after all this time our time has come Ya here we are still going strong Right here in the place where we belong It's a new world it's a new start It's alive with the beating of young hearts It's a new day it 's a new plan I've been waiting for you Here I am ...... Here I am this is me There's no where else on earth I'd rather be Here I am it's just me and you And tonight we make our dreams come true It's a new world it's a new start It's alive with the beating of young hearts It's a new day it 's a new plan I've been waiting for you It's a new world it's a new start It's alive with the beating of young hearts It's a new day it 's a new plan I've been waiting for you Here I am ...... Here I am next to you And suddenly the world is all brand new Here I am where I'm gonna stay Now there's nothin standin in our way Here I am this is me Ocean deep Ocean Deep表面上是一首表达深沉爱念的歌,Cliff的演绎也是深情款款的,但是我听来听去都觉得这其实是一首自省的沉思曲,海,深海,翅膀,闭室,爱情,友情,。。。一个人即使孤处一室,也能够拥有深深的海般的情感,这是男女的爱慕之情么?不是,这是自己的思绪,既不比思绪少点什么,也不比思绪多点什么。 Love can’t you see I’m alone Can’t you give this fool a chance A little love is all I ask - a little kindness In the night Please don’t leave me behind No - don’t tell me love is blind A little love is all I ask and that is all Oh love I’ve been searching so long I’ve been searching high’n’low A little love is all I ask - a little sadness When you’re gone Maybe you need a friend Only please don’t let’s pretend A little love is all I ask and that is all I wanna spread my wings - but I just can’t fly As a string of pearls and pretty girls go sailing by Ocean deep - I’m so afraid to show my feelings I have sailed a million ceilings - in my - Solitary room Ocean deep - will I ever find a lover Maybe she has found another And as I cry myself to sleep I know this love of mine I’ll keep - ocean deep Love, can’t you hear when I call Can’t you hear a word I say A little love is all I ask A little feeling when we touch Why am I still alone? I’ve got a heart without a home A little love is all I ask - and that is all I wanna spread my wings - but I just can’t fly As a string of pearls and pretty girls go sailing by Ocean deep - I’m so afraid to show my feelings I have sailed a million ceilings - in my - Solitary room Ocean deep - will I ever find a lover Maybe she has found another And as I cry myself to sleep I know this love of mine I’ll keep - ocean deep I’m so lonely lonely lonely... Maybe..Maybe... Ocean deep On my own In my room Maybe... maybe... I'm so lonely Ocean deep I'm so lonely i'm so lonely This love of mine I'll keep Ocean deep You Raise Me Up 这就是我空间的背景音乐,是我在世界杯期间听到的,大家慢慢欣赏吧。。。。。。 When I am down and, oh my soul, so weary; When troubles come and my heart burdened be; Then, I am still and wait here in the silence, Until you come and sit awhile with me. You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains; You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas; I am strong, when I am on your shoulders; You raise me up... to more than I can be. You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains; You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas; I am strong, when I am on your shoulders; You raise me up... to more than I can be. There is no life - no life without its hunger; Each restless heart beats so imperfectly; But when you come and I am filled with wonder, Sometimes, I think I glimpse eternity. You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains; You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas; And I am strong, when I am on your shoulders; You raise me up... to more than I can be. You raise me up... to more than I can be.
