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日期:2024-12-29 15:40:40 人气:1

百度知道 - 信息提示



励志的句子英文Let yourself move to the next chapter in life when the time comes. Don't remain stuck on the same page. 当时机来临,就让自己往生活的下一页走,别让自己总卡在同一页。 Happiness is not a state to arrive at, but a manner of traveling. 幸福不是一个需要到达的地方,而是去往这个地方的方式。 Don't let someone who doesn't know your value tell you how much you're worth. 别让那些不懂珍惜你的人来衡量你的价值。 You can’t have a better tomorrow if you don’t stop thinking about yesterday. 老是想着过去是不会让你的未来变得更好的。 Confidence is not 'They will like me'. Confidence is ' I'll be fine if they don't '. 自信不是“他们都会喜欢我”,而是“即使大家都不喜欢我,我也无所谓”。



1、事常与人违,事总在人为。 Things often contrary to people, things always in the. 2、刑天舞干戚,猛志固常在。 Energy-saving, Meng Chi solid in. 3、恨别人,痛苦的却是自己。 Hate other people, the pain is their own. 4、疾风知劲草,板荡识诚臣。 Wind Supergrass, is general Cheng chen. 5、心有多大,舞台就有多大。 The stage extends as far as the heart goes。 6、只有想不到,没有做不到。 Only think, can not do. 7、把握现在、就是创造未来。 Grasp now, is to create the future. 8、岁寒,然后知松柏之后凋也。 Only in cold winter does one know that the pine and the cypress are the last to shed their leaves。 9、人生最大的失败,就是放弃。 The biggest failure in life is to give up. 10、我们可以失望,但不能盲目。 We can be disappointed, but not blind.
