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The last meeting in 2014 was unforgettable to anyone of us, and there were a lot of star guests participate in it. Come with me to take a look at the time of the grand!
Chairman gave the opening words for our meeting with his full of magnetic voice. The theme of this meeting was: New Year's plan.
Wanna to learn bungee jumping or to become a member of the International Volunteer Organization? Every plan lets a person feel full of expectation,but these were just the chairman's advice, and let's take a look at more of their members own plans.
请提问题的人仔细看看哪个翻译更地道 不要选择一个错误满篇尽管态度诚恳的 这样对于好的翻译不公平
Frank正式开始在纽约生活以后,他意识到纽约的生活其实并不是小时候想象的那样梦幻。生活是现实的,竞争是激烈的,每个人都在努力。所以他开始知道,一定要多和成功人士交流,多做些社会实践,才能更早融入和适应社会。After Frank began to live in New York, he is aware of New York life in fact is not imagined as a child dream. Life is reality, competition is intense, and everyone is in the effort. So he began to know, that he must do more communication with successful people, do more social practice, forearlier blending in and adapting to the social.