百度知道 - 信息提示
很不幸的是,苹果公司和它的客户群之间并没有进行清晰的沟通,没有说明白实际上这是基于新技术而开发的第一版产品,旨在通过编辑来又一次革新我们讲述故事的方法。谢天谢地,我们当中那些还没准备好飞跃至全新的编辑形式(或不愿意历经学习新编辑器的痛苦)的人,仍然可以继续尽情使用FCP7、Premiere Pro和Media Composer这些软件,而我们会坐等FCPX如何在今后几年内发展成熟。
Flash animation has become a real cross-media and cross-industry communication carrier which applied mainly in webpages and websites increasingly. In today's website designs, web developments with FLASH has become a new hotpot in multi-media website build. Flash animation now plays an significant part in website construction. This article gives a brief analysis and explore stress on the special position of flash animation in website designs.