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日期:2025-01-04 14:31:47 人气:1

百度知道 - 信息提示



超过六千万年前恐龙在地球上居住。这是自人的存在之前很长的一段时间,地球上恐龙无处不在。有些小如鸡,其它的则有十几头大象那么大。有些恐龙甚至有翅膀,能飞。许多恐龙无攻击性,他们像羊的温顺并以植物为食。其它的则有攻击性,他们比老虎凶猛,食肉。恐龙突然灭亡,没有人知道为什么。我们从它们留下的骨骼、恐龙蛋和脚印了解恐龙的生活。 第欧根尼 第欧根尼是一个著名的思想家。大约两千年前,他住在希腊。他倡导幸福是自己尽可能少地拥有财物。而他拥有的是供他居住的一个大罐子、一件外套、一个面包袋和一个杯子。他感到非常幸福。第欧根尼有一天,看到一个男孩用手在喷泉旁饮水,于是他扔掉了他的杯子从此变得更加快乐。 迪斯尼 沃尔特迪斯尼乐园是一个在美国著名的游乐园。迪士尼乐园是由沃尔特迪士尼(1901-1966),米老鼠、唐老鸭、高飞、白雪公主和许多其它人物都是他的著名卡通人物。迪斯尼出生于美国。离开学校后,他卖过报纸,送过递邮件。与此同时,他在夜晚学习美术。最后,他找到了一份他自己非常喜欢的工作——为电影绘画卡通。迪斯尼最著名的卡通人物米老鼠是一只真正的老鼠。有时在他工作时,常坐在迪斯尼的办公桌上。迪斯尼把这只老鼠画进了他的卡通里,米奇很快成了明星而迪斯尼也成了富人和名人。



绝非机翻...放心吧. Burma is located in the western part of Indo-china Peninsula, which is between the Tibetan plateau and the Malay peninsula.It's northwest part borders on India and Bangladesh, the northeast part borders with China, the southeast part boaders with Laos and Thailand, and the Andaman Sea Bengal to the southwest. The coastline is 32 kilometers long.The climate of Burma is tropical monsoon climate. The forest coverage rate is over 50%. The natural resources in Burma is very rich. However, years of slow development in industry and agriculture makes Burma be listed as one of the world's least developed countries in December 1987 by the United Nations.Climate change leads to the deterioration of the environment, so women in Burma are affected greatly. Also, there is a long way to go in health care of women. The percentage of women in 15-49 years old who know the knowledge about HIV is only 0.7%.In 2009, 10 million babies were born and the death toll of the mothers is 380. The population of Burma is 5 million. The population growth rate is only 0.9% from 2005 to 2010, and the average age of men and women are 59.9 years old and 64.4 years old respectively.
