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中华饮食,源远流长。 The Chinese food, has a long history. 在讲究礼仪、讲究民以食为天的国度里,饮食礼仪自然成为饮食文化的一个重要部分。 In exquisite manners, exquisite food is what matters to the people of the country, to diet etiquette naturally becomes an important part of the diet culture. 随着中西方饮食文化的不断交流,中还越来越受到外国人的青睐。 As the western diet culture of continuous exchanges, more and more the favour of by foreigners. 中餐的饮宴礼仪号称始于周公,千百年的演进,当然不会再有“孟光接了梁鸿案”那样的日子,但也还是终于形成今天大家普遍接受的一套饮食进餐礼仪,是古代饮食礼制的继承和发展。 Chinese catering etiquette zhou, boasts of thousands began evolution, of course, no more "MengGuang took LiangHong case" that day, but also still finally form you today of generally accepted a set of eating dinner is an ancient ritual, the inheritance and development of diet etiquette. 中餐饮食礼仪因宴席的性质,目的而不同; Chinese food diet because of the nature of etiquette, purpose and banquet is different; 不同的地区,也是千差万别。 Different regions, is also vary. 中餐的餐具主要有杯、盘、碗、碟、筷、匙六种。 Chinese tableware mainly cup, bowl, dish, chopsticks, spoon six. 在正式的宴会上,水杯放在菜盘左上方,酒杯放在右上方。 In formal banquet dishes, glass on top, glass in the upper right. 筷子与汤匙可放在专用的座子上,或放在纸套中。 Chopsticks and spoon can be put in special seat, or put on paper sets. 公用的筷子和汤匙最好放在专用的座子上。 Public chopsticks and spoons had better be put in special seat. 中餐上菜的顺序一般是:先上冷盘,后上热菜,最后上甜食和水果。 Chinese serving the order is generally: first on hot food, cold meats, after the last tooth and fruit. 用餐前,服务员为每人送上的第一道湿毛巾是擦手用的,最好不要用它去擦脸。 Before having dinner, waiter per person the first a wet towel to wipe the hand is in, had better not use it to wipe the face. 在上虾、蟹、鸡等菜肴前,服务员会送上一只小小水盂,其中漂着拧檬片或玫瑰花瓣,它不是饮料,而是洗手用的。 In the shrimp, crab, chicken dishes before, the waiter will send a small water dishes, including since floating twist or slices rose petals, it is not drink, but washing one's hands. 洗手时,可两手轮流蘸湿指头,轻轻涮洗,然后用小毛巾擦干。 Wash hands take turns, finger, wet with small ShuanXi, then gently dry towel.



Used to think that, for example computer software, algorithms and data structures omnipotent, but is now more limited sense of containing many embedded systems, hardware and software reasonable division of labor, the system's reasonable framework for a greater impact on performance. Had also considered it important that the idea behind the language, language itself does not matter, but in fact, gradually found that language is a programmer's tool, just like a carpenter's knife, ax, saw, plane, each with its own Magical is the arm extension of not dispensable. For programmers, the language, too, language is not just an implementation tool, it will affect the user's way of thinking and to express the way of thinking. Bad language design, poor education, language users are the problem analysis, program design and presentation aspects of the design caused great negative impact. Hands holding a hammer and see everything is a nail. Language is a tool for thinking and, therefore, is bound to restrict the content of users expressing his inner thoughts. This is like using the flat rectangular coordinate system can be clear and concise representation of a straight line, while the use of spherical coordinate system more suitable for expression of a ball. So now often see such as "C deficiencies and pitfalls", "C + + criticism" like the great masters of language deficits reflect on the article. Unfortunately, many language-related books only focus on the language grammar is fine distal, and for how the language as a medium to conduct a clear and elegant expression rarely mentioned, And even some have been recognized as a classic, hot-selling books, too. C + + father of Bjarne Stroustrup, in many articles and interviews have talked about C + + education issues and personally edited the set of The C + + In-Depth Series. Want to learn C + +, this series can be modeled on friends, and gradually in-depth study. Eric Raymond on the proposed learning Python, Java, C, Perl, and LISP these types of languages, that "they represent very different programming ideas and methods, each will benefit you greatly," "You need to learn how to 1 common method of thinking programming problem, independent of any language " C language is very flexible and abstract, but the data processing is not enough. C + + is also powerful enough and flexible, right? It is learned C, flexible and efficient, as well as Simula abstract data capabilities. However, C + +, object-oriented mechanism to compare Java. And when you learn Lisp later you will find the original procedure also can be prepared, although the C + + is also known as scalability, extensibility, but Lisp is the C + + can not reach. Java is indeed very good, suitable for distributed computing, Java is too safe, but also good portability, because it is for security at the expense of a lot of flexibility and efficiency.
