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句子的主干是这样的,gifts poured in not only from……but (from)……
句子的大致意思是“不仅仅是不熟知的人们送来礼物,就连想为自己产品做广告的儿童食品制造商也送来礼物”,所以pour in 是整个句子的谓语,当然是要放在not only ……but also之前了。
(1)associated with the laying of submarine cables修饰的是a burst of activity,表示“与铺设潜水艇管线相关的行为动作”;真正的谓语是confirmed,soon是修饰谓语的,表示“很快确认”;宾语是"the challenger's observation“,“that many parts of the ocean were two to three miles deep”是修饰the challenger's observation的;
(2)这是个倒装句式,完整的是“The gentle slope of the continental shelf, geologically part of the continents, runs from the shore line out to distance (which may be anywhere from a few miles to a few hundred miles)"。这样看意思是不是清楚点了?~
"geologically part of the continents"是修饰gentle slope的;这句里的run from ....out to distance....的意思是“从....延伸到....的距离”,括号里的是修饰distance的。