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如何治疗健忘?年轻人治疗健忘,重在调节心理。 你是否常常把记性不好这句说话挂到嘴边呢?越来越多的年轻人抱怨自己记不住东西,还有一些白领人士出现严重的记忆力下降、失眠、困乏、易惊醒、头晕等症状。“顾前忘后”、“转瞬即忘”、“词不达意”、“未老先衰”……这些和记忆力下降有关的词语往往是老年人专利,可在我们身边,越来越多的年轻人也这样抱怨自己,这究竟是神经系统出了问题,还是心理因素所致。 妙方提高记忆力七法 集中一事法:把枯燥无味的事物简单地组织起来能帮助记忆,如杂乱的货单,可将其内容分门别类,设法减少须记事项的数目。 记忆训练法:就是把人名、面孔、事件等,按一定的思考模式编码。平时设立一个“记忆区”;编写“须做事项清单”,如把要支付的账单放在大门附近等。 健身益脑法:多动脑筋能让头脑保持强健。因为从事有氧运动能使更多血液输送到脑部,带进更多的氧和葡萄糖,可增强脑功能。 睡眠休息法:在学习后睡一个好觉。晚上睡觉使得第一晚的记忆得到巩固,大脑会把某些信息定期地进行清除。适当的休息对学习非常必要。睡眠可让大脑有时间去为记忆编码,也可以舒缓精神压力。 应激记忆法:就短期而言,精神压力能促进记忆,大脑可用来储存记忆的能量也相应减少。长期处在紧张状态下可导致大脑的永久性变化。老年健忘,基因起一定作用,记忆力减退是基因和艰苦生活相互结合导致的后果。 生活悠闲法:日常生活中多关心家人与朋友,多培养几种爱好,这些都对增强记忆力有好处。把生活节奏放慢些,可使思维清晰很多。处理新的信息时如果让自己放松些,记忆障碍一般就不会发生。 双手共用法:为了增强记忆,习惯用右手的人,到了中老年时不妨改用左手写字或做生活琐事,让另一半大脑的传导束完成它并不熟悉的工作,这样对增强记忆也很有效。 如何治疗健忘? Growing number of young people complain that they can not remember something, there are some white-collar workers to severe memory loss, insomnia, sleepy, easily awakened, dizziness symptoms. Gu ago forgot "," flash that forgot "," I lied, "and" premature aging "...... these words and memory decline tended to be older patents around us, more and more young people complained, what is the nervous system is a problem, or due to psychological factors. Magic formula to improve memory VII Central issue of law: boring things simply organized to help the memory, as messy manifest, the category, the contents, try to reduce the number of matters required to be recorded. Memory training method: the names, faces and events, encoded according to a certain mode of thinking. Usually set up a "memory area"; writing that "the list of matters to be done, such as to pay bills on the door near. The Fitness Yinao Law: rack their brains to allow the mind to maintain robust. Engaged in aerobic exercise can make more blood circulation to the brain, and bringing more oxygen and glucose, can enhance brain function. Sleep break law: sleep a good sleep after learning. Be consolidated sleep at night, the memory of the first night, the brain will be some information on a regular basis to clear. Proper rest is necessary for learning. Sleep allows the brain time to memory encoding can also relieve pressure. The stress memory method: In the short term, stress can promote memory, the brain can be used to store the memory of energy is also a corresponding reduction. A long time in the brain can cause permanent changes in the state of tension. Senile forgetfulness, genes play a role in memory loss gene combined with each other and the hard life consequences. Life the leisurely law: daily life, and more concerned with family and friends, multi-cultured several hobby, these are good to enhance memory. The slower pace of life these can clear thinking many. Processing new information to relax, memory disorders generally would not have happened. Hands-sharing method: In order to enhance memory, right handed, middle-aged, may wish to switch to the left hand to write or do the trivia of life, it is not familiar with the work completed so that the other half of the brain tracts, so is also very effective for memory enhancement . How to treat forgetfulness?
治疗健忘症没有天然妙药,需寻找发病原因,防患于未然或通过调整减缓症状还是可以做到的。 1、勤于用脑“用进废退”是生物界发展的一条普遍规律,大脑亦是如此。勤奋的工作和学习往往可以使人的记忆力保持良好的状态。对新事物要保持浓厚的兴趣,敢于挑战。中老年人经常看新闻、电视、电影,听音乐、特别是下象棋、围棋,可以使大脑精力集中,脑细胞会处于活跃状态,从而减缓衰老。此外,适当地有意识记一些东西,如喜欢的歌词,记日记等对记忆力也很有帮助。 2、保持良好情绪 良好的情绪有利于神经系统与各器官、系统的协调统一,使机体的生理代谢处于最佳状态,从而反馈性地增强大脑细胞的活力,对提高记忆力颇有裨益。 3、经常参加体育锻炼 体育运动能调节和改善大脑的兴奋与抑制过程,能促进脑细胞代谢,使大脑功能得以充分发挥,延缓大脑老化。 4、养成良好的生活习惯 大脑中一贯存在着管理时间的神经中枢,即所谓的生物钟,工作、学习、活动、娱乐以及饮食要有一定的规律,以免造成生物钟的紊乱、失调。尤其要保证睡眠的质量和时间,睡眠使脑细胞处于抑制状态,消耗的能量得到补充。 从饮食方面来讲,造成记忆力低下的元凶是甜食和咸食,而多吃维生素、矿物质、纤维质丰富的蔬菜水果可以提高记忆力。银杏叶提取物可以提高大脑活力、注意力,对记忆力也有一定帮助。至于咖啡,它可以在短时间内使大脑兴奋,如果需要我们集中注意力、记忆力做事,可以事先喝一杯咖啡。 5、摸索一些适合自己的记忆方法 对一定要记住的事情写在笔记本上或写在便条上,外出购物或出差时列一个单子,将必须处理的事情写在日历上……都是一些可取的记忆方法。另外,联想、归类都是一些良好的记忆习惯。 其实,健忘症并不是可怕的疾病,但因为健忘而造成的忧郁、不安或自信心降低却可能带来更大的危害。我们认识了健忘症就应该正确地对待它,积极地调整自己,不要让它来困扰我们的工作、生活。