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《歌剧院的幽灵》读后感 中文的

《剧院魅影》读后感穹顶,雕花,飘飞的帷幔,巴黎歌剧院处处歌舞升平。暗道,机关,神秘的暗湖,巴黎歌剧院处处危机四伏。 仅仅是渴望一点爱,仅仅是渴望一点温暖,仅仅渴望人间的一点关怀,对埃利克确实如此艰难。仅仅因为他是畸形人,他有着骷髅头和僵尸般恐怖的外表,他是危险和恐惧的代名词,他是歌剧院幽灵!没有人同情他,没有人理解他,没有人愿意看他一眼,那面容太恐怖了,伴随着他的只有尖叫和厌恶,甚至他的母亲送给他的唯一一件礼物,也是一个为了挡住他的脸的面具。失去与外界交往的权利,埃利克的聪明才智却并没有荒废。 他有着贵族一般的高贵优雅;他造的机关暗道精巧绝伦,可以在歌剧院的任何地方奇迹般的出现和消失;他精通腹语术,可以模仿任何一个人的声音,还可以让声音听上去是从他指定的任何地方发出来;他洞察一切,观察力敏锐,工于心计,说话一针见血;当然,他还是音乐家,无论是演唱演奏还是创作的才能都远远超过历史上的或者是将来的任何一位音乐家。如果不是他的可怕的畸形,他可以获得已知的任何一种荣誉。流浪,浮沉,一生漂泊。 冷血的埃利克厌倦了孤单寂寞,与世隔绝;危险的埃利克想要安定下来,过一种普通人的生活。埃利克爱上了年轻的克里斯蒂娜达埃;在埃利克的教导下,达埃的演唱进步神速,并在幽灵的帮助下成了当红的歌星。但是,面对埃利克的恐怖,达埃对他只有敬畏:她崇拜他,但她怕他!愤怒,痛苦之后,歌剧院幽灵让她自由,让她可以和她爱的人结婚。 而自己绝望的死在巴黎歌剧院凄凉的地下湖边。幽灵的愿望从没有实现不了的时候,除了这一次。这一次,他要求的不是钱,地位,别人的畏惧和尊重,而是想要体会人间最普通的亲情,他从没得到过的温暖。他们都不肯走近埃利克的心灵,因为他的丑陋和恐怖而躲得他远远的。不去看他其实有着多么过人的才华,他们不想去关心他,当然也不知道他如此孤独的原因,不去想他的不正常其实并不是他的过错,其实他只是一个渴望着关怀的可怜的孩子。他是无辜的,因为别人觉得他恐怖而使他恐怖,因为别人认为他危险而使他变得危险。其实,只要还有一个人肯关心他,并且不是出于希望得到吹嘘的资本或无聊的好奇。 他便会是另外一个样子。他会爱人,温柔体贴,开朗智慧,可以做一个平凡的好人,甚至是成为受欢迎的成功人士,而不是像现在这样阴郁孤独,特立独行和与众不同,不会再这样暴躁甚至凶残。他是外表的强大者,强大而不可侵犯,而在内心却是柔软的,自卑的,当克里斯蒂娜突然摘下他的面具时,他的软弱爆发出来,他不愿别人见到他的脸,他以它为耻。 因为在他的身边没有人会忽视它的丑陋,而去关注他心灵的魅力。克里斯蒂娜在没见到他以前一直崇拜者他,深信他就是父亲派来的音乐天使,虽然对他还有恐惧,但那只是因为他的神秘莫测;但之后,她却决绝地抛弃了他,欺骗他,不肯拯救他,把他遗弃在绝望中,他僵尸一般的外表成了她所看到的一切。 而他是多么希望被拯救啊,有了钱,有了地位并不够,其实他真正需要的只是爱,让他摆脱这幅怪物的形象。好像《美女与野兽》的故事,只要得到她的爱,他会立即从野兽的外形变回潇洒的王子。十八世纪的巴黎,没有爱,人们太重视外表,于是有了今天的时尚之都。浮华,空虚,习惯于把不美的东西定性为邪恶的。正是因为这种固执的观念,歌剧院幽灵才变成邪恶的。其实不只是幽灵,我们也像他一样渴求着爱。幽灵的一生是个悲剧,因为他的心灵生长在贫瘠的,缺乏爱的土壤上。 不要让这种土壤蔓延成沙漠吧,施舍一点甘露,滋润一下干涸。我们每个人都需要别人的灌溉,不要留恋心中的琼浆,把它慷慨的播撒到人间,来自别人的——亲人,朋友甚至是陌路——恩泽也会到滋润你的心田。



In the novel , there is a character who is very fascinating—Erik. People in the Opera House are afraid of him because they think he is a ghost. He kills Joseph because he doesn’t like people taking about him. His outward appearance is horrifying. He has the face of a dead man, no nose, just two black holes in his yellow face. His eyes are black holes sometimes and have a terrible red light. He also sends a letter to the two new directors of the Opera House to ask them never sell tickets for Box 5 and pay him 20, 000 francs a month. But the directors don’t follow the words of the ghost. So Erik sends a second letter to blame the directors and ask them to let Christine sing Faust again instead of La Carlotta. At that night, he makes the chandelier goes down and La Carlotta can’t sing anymore. He is so dangerous that most people afraid him and regard him as a ghost. He is good at singing opera. He is an angle of music. Christine becomes famous because of the guide of him. He takes her through many secret doors and passages, down, down under the Opera House. There is a big lake with black and cold waters. He takes her across the lake in a boat to his house. He just wants Christine to love him and marry him. Christine say “For this minute, I am your wife” and put her arms around Erik’s neck and kiss him slowly and lovingly on his ugly mouth. Then Erik allows Christine run out with her lover Paoul because he just has the feeling of being loved at the first time. He just wants to be loved at all. Finally, Erik dies and Christine marries Paoul. He dies with satisfaction. I like this character because of his sad experience, his talent and his tolerance to Christine. He is an angle! He is an angle who just falls down from the Heaven instead of a ghost! 和知道其他的不同哦,希望能选我的~
