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有很多不同方面的技术,一 ,当然是准确,譬如电子,精细化工方面在本世纪对精准的要求,它们正在逐步增长。还有其中最重要的已经涉及到质量方面。完成必须的精度已经是一个挑战了,并且从某种程度上我们已经遇到挑战了。另外一方面是可信度。从失败中解脱,例如当我们成立一个空中交通管理系统,我们不会希望它失败。我们不得不在系统中融入相关可信度。并且这个问题还在恶化,因为我们有太多的期望在这些系统上,并且这些系统很复杂。当然对于公司而言,这是我们失败的代价。如果在这些领域失败了,也就是说,它会影响到公众;但是如果是它们内部失败,那么它会影响到公司的开支,到那时就会有相关人员促使去找出那些开支的来源以及如何摆脱这些问题。这就是三大因素:精度,可信度,和开支。当然,还有其它的,但我认为这些是主要的。
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High and new technology industry will be the key to determine a country's political status and economic strength in the 21st century. As an effective measure taken by the government to regulate the economic operation,tax preferencial policy is widely applied by various governments in promotion of high and new technology industry.The paper focuses on the role of the measure and analyses its flaws,puts forward the direction to reform and perfect the measure and gets the maximum profits of high and new technology industry through reasonable tax planning and tax preferencial policy.
Tax preferencial policy plays a significant role in the development of the high and new technology industry and has a great influence on its cost and gains.We should reduce the risks to promote the development of high and new technology industry and boost the transition from scientific results to realistic productivity.