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日期:2024-12-26 10:11:00 人气:1

百度知道 - 信息提示


请各位英语高手帮忙翻译一篇文章! 谢谢! 别用翻译工具翻译后发给我。

You think you’re falling in love. You’re really attracted to a certain person. But this happened before, and it was just a “crush.” How can you tell if it’s real this time? Here’s what our readers said: 你觉得你恋爱了,你被他深深吸引了。但这并不是第一次了,上次的惨痛经历还历历在目。那你怎么知道这次是真的了呢?请参考一下读者给我们的建议吧: If you’re in love....... 如果你恋爱了, ❤ you’ll find yourself talking to or telephoning the person for no reason.(You might pretend there’s reason, but often there’s not.) 你会没有缘由地不停地给他打电话,逮着机会就抓住他说个不停(尽管你觉得这并不是“毫无缘由”的) ❤ you’ll find yourself bringing this person into every conversation.(“When I was in Mexico-,”a friend begins. You interrupt with, “My boyfriend made a great Mexican dinner last week.”) 你会不停地谈起他(一个朋友刚说了:“我在墨西哥的时候。。。”,而你立马打断:“上个礼拜我男朋友煮了一顿超棒的墨西哥晚餐给我吃。”) ❤ you might suddenly be interested in things you used to avoid.(“When a woman asks me to tell her all about football, I know she’s fallen in love,”said a TV sports announcer.) 你会很突然地喜欢上以前无限厌恶的东西(体育电视的解说员说:“如果一个女人滔滔不绝地跟我聊足球,那么她一定是恋爱了。”) Ok, so you’re fallen in love. But falling in love is one thing, and staying in love is another. How can you tell, as time passes, that you’re still in love? If you stay in love, your relationship will change. You might not talk as much about the person you are in love with. You might not always call him or her so often. But this person will nevertheless become more and more important in your life. 好吧,你真的恋爱了。但恋爱是一回事,爱情却是另外一回事。你怎么知道你的爱恋经久不变呢?如果你的爱恋始终如一,那么你们的关系就会改变。你可能不会再动不动就谈起他,你可能不会再动不动就给他打电话,但是他在你的生命中却越来越重要。 You’ll find that you can be yourself with this person. When you first fell in love, you were probably afraid to admit certain things about yourself. But now you can be totally honest. You can trust him or her to accept you just as you are. Falling in love is great-staying in love is even better! 你会发现跟他在一起的时候,你可以很自然地表现出真实的自己。尽管刚开始恋爱的时候,你有些局促,不自觉地隐藏了一部分想法。可现在,你可以坦然面对他。你相信他/她爱的就是你的全部。恋爱是美妙的,爱情是超美妙的。



《更优建筑用电法案》——此法律通过"Tenant Star"租客之星的认同程序,签署绿色租契, 鼓励商用建筑的承租者节省能源消耗,以便每个人都能从节省的花销中受益。 在介绍了国内几个城市所纷纷采用的这个节能策略之后,是一个节能条款,此条款鼓励各商用建筑公开其能耗情况并向最优者学习。 节能政府技术法案(不好翻译,但意思是针对政府办公场所能耗制定的法案),各联邦政府机构制定节能战略,采用节能型信息技术——包括加强办公场所能耗管理和日常通讯用电,提升各个联邦数据中心的用电效率。 消除疑虑条款——“demand response”用电项目是由农业事业局或者其他事业单位主导并开展的,然而最近实行的热水器能耗标准,可能会阻碍该项目的进程,为此,本条款做了说明。
