百度知道 - 信息提示
1. (谁?)Sustain the high-speed and stable performance of the company's computer network and IT system;
2. The IT department is responsible for and in charge of the computer lab;
3. IT staffs are responsible for the maintenance of any equipment in computer lab;
4. No entry into the computer lab without any permit from the IT department
5. External maintenance personnel or visitor must be registered and enter the lab only under the company of IT staffs
Daily work plan
Daily inspection and register in server room
Checking the disk space of server system
Examination on the events of server system
Examination on the system load
Backup and inspection of the database log file
Database inspection
Antivirus software and firewall log file inspection
Weekly work plan
Updating the patches of server system
Expectation on the server system‘s update errors
Updating the patches of antivirus software and firewall
Inspection on the updating errors of the antivirus software and firewall
Weekly backup for the server data
Security inspection in server room(2 times every month)
Monthly backup for the server on Monday of the first week of each month
Store the backup file in on the bank on Friday of the last week of each month
Clean the equipment in server room on Monday of the first week of each month
Overall Virus detection on server system on Monday of the first week of each month
Clean the server room every month
Quarterly work plan
Backup the image file on hard drives of the server system and store it in the server room
Make an inventory on the IT equipment quarterly
Updating the stuff records table
Yearly work plan
Yearly data backup
Test on the restoration of backup,rehearsal for the backup loss
Clear the condemned computers at the end of the year
Updating the server network equipment profiles according to the current running status of the server
Test on the availability of the Ups
Planning the IT budget for next year