百度知道 - 信息提示
Dear 文林, To reset your Apple ID password, simply click the link below. That will take you to a web page where you can create a new password. Please note that the link will expire three hours after this email was sent. Reset your Apple ID password > 文林,你好: 重置你Apple 账号密码的话,请点击下边的链接。它会引导你进入创建新密码的页面。请注意,该链接的网页将会在此邮件发出后3小时过期。(也就是请3小时内执行密码重置操作) 重置密码> Questions? There are lots of answers on our Apple ID support page > 疑问?此页里很多问题与解答 If you weren't trying to reset your password, don't worry — your account is still secure and no one has been given access to it. Most likely, someone just mistyped their email address while trying to reset their own password. Thanks, Apple Customer Support 如果你并没有尝试要重置密码,不要担心,你的账号仍旧是安全的,没有人会有机会或者权限登陆你的账号,最大可能是,有人在重置他们的密码的时候错误的拼写了他们的邮箱地址写成了你的邮箱。 非常感谢 苹果客服。 纯手工翻译