
日期:2019-05-14 22:43:20 人气:3


Economic Capacity 参考文献(英文): The use of GDP and GNP as an approximation of well-being and development have been critiqued widely, because they are often misused as indicators of well-being and human development when in fact they are only telling about the economic capacity of a country or an average income level when expressed on a per person basis. In particular, feminist economics and environmental economics offer a number of critiques.


“雄厚的经济实力”如果用来形容一个企业,其实就是说资金雄厚或者资金充足吧?那么直接说with abundant capital或者abundance in capital即可。英文同中文的表达习惯不大一样,尽量作到具体、直接,很多时候照字面翻译不妥。



经济学 [词性]:adj.adj. [拼音]:jīnɡ jì xué [解释]: economical; economic; economy; plutonomy; economics; econ; economics ; plutocnomy; 1.economics; economic science; political economy ; economics (as a field of study) [参考词典]:汉英综合大词典 汉英综合科技大辞典 汉英综合大词典 汉英经贸大词典 汉英航海大词典 汉英综合大词典 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 经济学的 economic; economical 经济学会 economic society; economic societies 经济学家 economist; economist ; plutocnomist; &nbs.... 经济学派 chool of economics; economists; economic school 经济学史 history of economics; history of economics 经济学院 1. institute of economics 经济学者 economist; economic philosopher; cameralist 纯经济学 pure economics; pure economics 环境经济学 economics of environment ; environmental economics; .... 体育经济学 sports economics 立法经济学 legislative economics; legislative economics 对外经济学 external economics 劳动经济学 labor economics; labour economics; labour economics 叙述经济学 descriptive economics; descriptive economics 财政经济学 pecuniary economics; financial economics; pecuniary .... 生物经济学 bioeconomics; bioeconomics ; biological economics;&.... 配置经济学 economics of allocation
