百度知道 - 信息提示
Oneday when you become a soccer fan,you will find that living is incrediably changing little by little.Similar to the black and white color that the soccer ball is having,the weekend that match took place is white,those days without match are black as depression.Even your heart would change into the black and white color eventurally. When a player scores a goal, your heart suddenly being fullfilled with happiness, joy and light; When the game ends that no player had score any point, walk down the field pointlessly,your heart follows it shrink to the darkness.When I saw they waving their support team's flag,I wish to bacome the flag my self;When I saw they miss a perfect opptunity and regret I wish to become that soccer ball, turn around and back to the goal agian.
The ones who be the soccer fan, will not boring,neither will confuse.For in their heart it is exactly the size to contain the soccer ball,for he waited the match to starting on the exctly moment expacted.Unlike politicians fails the election;;Unlike businessman being fraud by fake fame and glory;Unlike scholars easy to suffer from American Neil's syndrome on scientific research.
When the world becoming more and more slim and fragile,more and more pale,the soccer has given you the last collision and strength;When people are more used to drive instead of walking,in and out of the life, the soccer has given you the last running and
strength; When you are facing dozens of trouble,having a headache,
the soccer has given you the simplest winning, drawing and losing three result, just as a philosophy lesson being thought to hot to ponder over the environment and living......