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The expected goal is expected by 30 s of zhou zuoren literature and thoughts of the linear causal type comb, to get this period zhou zuoren literature choice and thought core of the preliminary understanding, experience in the s the uniqueness of Chinese history of literature. Thus, this article text consists of four parts. The first chapter, revive your prospects: from age thrust. Zhou zuoren 20 s to retire from the social politics, literature tide, family 'three aspects of the multiple perspectives analysis. The second chapter, contrarian and row: theory and the mature, however. This chapter will to the mainstream literature of the '30 s-left-wing literature for opposing the reference, revive your prospects of zhou zuoren in period "poetry express will" the happening of the theoretical system, preliminary construction and opportunity theory discusses the debate. The third chapter, and the history of physics tell folk: the creation of the world. This chapter will creation of zhou zuoren after recovery, or 1934 years after the night reading copy of the creation of the paper briefly, mainly involving the have zhou human physical view and history, folk two creative dimension, and the dimension of time dimension and representative works of study writing viewpoint. The fourth chapter, the enlightenment and the enlightenment of the "bitter". This chapter is to control the whole 30 s zhou theory and his creative thought background introduction, deals with this period of the continuation of zhou zuoren enlightenment thoughts and change and here with their own personality and zhou culture structure under the influence of the "bitter" show emotion.
Zhou zuoren 30 s road and thought of literature FaMeng choice in 20 s special background and ideas under the crisis, and in the "carry a way" with the nature of the left-wing literature under the opposition by thinking about the theory of the creation, the effort to develop, mature and developed a department, continue to carry forward its since the "may fourth movement" up since the enlightenment of the spirit, and with the external world and the internal changes day by day and make the adjustment of the self, in the literature that the paradox of the special features, at the same time, contains the enlightenment and the same logical saving within.
第一句话,Yangtang,and robin west salty weiye.
第二句话,Embroider the garden city,paint charm the new zone.