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日期:2024-12-24 01:59:24 人气:1

百度知道 - 信息提示



我还记得《钢铁是怎么炼成的》中有这么几句话:“生活赋予我们一种巨大的和无限高贵的礼品,这就是青春,充满着力量,充满着期待,充满着求知和斗争的志向,充满着希望和信心的青春。 I still remember a sentence as quoted in How the Steel Was Tempered as "Life has endowed us with a tremendous and lofty gift; That is youth, which is full of energy, saturated with expectations, and congested with ambition for fighting and thirst for knowledge as well as embodied with hope and confidence".



天使,希望你能好好的保重下自己的身体,熬夜不好,特别是对于女孩子. My angel,I hope you take good care of yourself. Please don't stay up so late since it is specially harmful to the health of young ladies like you. 一晚上不睡觉至少需要一周来调节生理状态,对于人体自身的免疫能力也有很大的衰减,熬夜人会变的很容易生病,以往生龙活虎的天使,现在小病不段,视力也容易衰退. If you skip a night's sleep, it will take at least a week to readjust your physical conditions. And it also brings down your anti-body level to make you apt to sickness. I hate to see a lively angel become a sickly one. Even worse, it will affect your eyesight. 我不希望你再这样了,为了考试不顾一切,考试对于你可能很重要,但对于我来说,你的身体最重要. I really don't want you to be like this any more. You cannot take your health risk only for the sake of exams. Exams might be very crucial for you, but for me, what more crucial is your health. 以后最好抓住平时课上和课余的学习时间,考前不要太拼搏. I suggest you make good use of your daily time along the term for your learning and reviewing rather than working too hard immediately before exams. 早上注意保暖,不要冻着肚子. Please remember to dress yourself warm, especially your tummy. 一定要多喝点白开水. Make sure to drink more water, plain boiled water. 早饭一定要吃饱,一定不要吃凉的食物. You must have a full breakfast and avoid all the cold food. 多吃点鸡蛋和胡萝卜之类的补充蛋白质和维生素A的食物. Take more eggs and carrots as they are good sources for protein and Vitamin A. 第二天中午时千万记得打个小盹. Remind you, if you stay up late the previous night, please take a nap the next day.
