百度知道 - 信息提示

日期:2024-12-28 04:56:06 人气:1

百度知道 - 信息提示


在线真心求 :英语口语三人对话,最好是电影里的经典三人对白,每人三四句话就够了,谢!

我推荐给你加勒比海盗三的对话,在甲板上与敌人打斗的同时,威尔特纳向伊丽莎白求婚,并且由巴尔博萨船长主持婚礼,全过程都在打斗,如果能表演就更好了。 Will: Elizabeth...[砍人,砍人] Will: Elizabeth.[砍人,Elizabeth也在砍人] Will: Will you marry me?(你肯嫁给我吗?) Elizabeth: [挡住别人砍]I don't think now's the best time!(我觉得这不是最好的时间啊) Will: [Elizabeth砍人,Will也砍人] Now may be the only time!(现在可能是唯一的时间了!) [砍人,Elizabeth砍倒个英国士兵,两人挽手]I love you. (我爱你!)[砍人,重新挽手]I've made my choice. What's yours?(我下定我的决心了,你呢?) Elizabeth: [注视Will]Barbossa! [Will张大了嘴说不出话]Marry us!(给我们主持婚礼) Barbossa: [砍开Davy Jones的手下] I'm a little busy at the moment! (我这会儿有点忙!)[继续砍] Will: [砍人] Barbossa Now! (老巴,现在!) Barbossa: [砍人]Fine then! (好吧好吧)[爬上船台,踢人] Dearly Beloved, we be gathered here today...(亲爱的来宾,今天大家欢聚一堂) ...ta nail yer gizzard ta the mast ya filthy cur (...你个不长眼的,我踢死你)...[继续砍人] Will: [揽住Elizabeth] Elizabeth Swann, do you take me to be your husband? (Elizabeth Swann, 你愿意我成为你的丈夫么?)[Elizabeth傻笑] Elizabeth: [马上说] I do.(我愿意) Will: Great! (好!) Elizabeth: Will Turner, do you take me to be your wife(Will Turner,你愿意我成为你的妻子么?), in sickness and in health(无论疾病或者健康), with health being less likely? (健康恐怕不容易——) Will: I do. (我愿意) Barbossa: As captain I now pronounce you(作为船长我宣布你们)...(砍开敌人) You may kiss--(你们可以KISS--) [开枪轰倒一人,Will和Elizabeth准备接吻,但是被一名英军冲开,只好继续砍] You may kiss--(你们可以KISS--) [砍开另一敌人] ...Just kiss!(快点KISS吧!)



A:Hello, I'm a new tourist. I'm a little hungry. Do you have any delicious food to recommend? B:Yes, of course, we have noodles ,rice and dumplings. We have also kinds of vegetables , fruits and meat. Trust me,you will enjoy it. A: I think the dumplings will be good. And anything to drink? B: Of course.You can almost find any drink here, beer, coffee ,orange juice,and colo. A: I think beer will be good. Thank you. B:You're welcome. Just wait a moment.
