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Hello, I have to say it is pity for you to lose this desirable thing again, but I understand how you feel. I had to, at once, sell most of my collections among which there are several I am loan to part with. Looking back now, it is lucky for keeping them.
Best wishes for you, it will be kind of you to contact me if you decide to sell it, and I wlli pay 1200 dollars for it.
I still remember the last day that i spent at college. The class monitor suggested that everybody sat in a circle, and write down his own little secret onto a small piece of paper, then passed it to the person who sat on your left hand.
I sat on the seat on his left intentionally. At that moment, the only thought hidden in my heart was that since i had loved him secretly for 4 years and couldn't confess, it would be a little comfort to me by konwing one of his sercets.
And it was just when i kept that sorrowful thinking and couldn't help myself from selfpity did the small piece of paper arrived. There were only three words being written
I Love You