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日期:2025-01-12 13:39:32 人气:1

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求Shirley Morrow的《until the end》的空间歌曲链接

  链接:http://www.xiami.com/song/1771678431   【歌名】:Until the End   【演唱】:Shirley Morrow   【时长】:03:09   【所属专辑】:《Until the End》   【歌词】:It's dramatic.   We're not going to make it.   Look at us, we're submerged   I think our love is cursed.   The fire stopped burning.   Don't look at my broken wings.   We'll never see the light again.   But I will keep on going.   Until to the end.   Hey ey ey ey ey.   Our ship has faced a hurricane.   But I will keep on going.   Till the end.   I don't know if my soul will sink.   And I will keep on going until.   Tired of fighting.   I swim but I not moving.   Stuck in sand there is no hope.   It's time to cut the rope.   We tried but we failed.   Free me, from my golden jail.   The land is for the bottle sent.   And I will keep on going.   Until the end.   Hey ey ey ey ey.   Our ship has faced a hurricane.   Until the end.   I don't know if my soul will sink.   And I will keep on going until.   Until I drown.   Until my spirit is alive.   Until I die.   Never forget keep going on.   Until the end.   Our ship has faced a hurricane.   But I will keep on going.   Till the end.   I don't know if my soul will sink.   And I will keep on going until   the end.


求Nancy Fortin的Till The End完整高质版 谢谢啦

Shirley Morrow - until the end 你好,相信你是在《向幕后音乐工作人员致敬》中听到的这首歌,歌名由网友评论得到。 这首歌真实信息为Shirley Morrow - until the end,在百度上能搜到。 qq音乐,酷狗音乐,优酷土豆均能搜到此歌曲。希望大家能扩散歌曲的真实信息。 优酷链接:http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNTIyMDg1MTM2.html 至于高质版,貌似歌曲未收录于任何CD中,可能不太好找。 歌词本人已上传千千静听并已通过审核,可直接搜索下载。如有需要可留邮箱。
