
日期:2009-02-17 18:26:59 人气:1


(1)现在人类的生活中浪费资源的现象很严重. people are used to wasting in our modern life (2)例如,不随手关灯和关电风扇等等. for example,we always leave with the lights or motor fan on (3)大量使用一次性产品,例如,塑胶袋等等. we use lots of unrecycled things such as plastic bags and so on (4)还有浪费粮食. don't make good use of food (5)我们要爱护我们的环境,不要浪费资源. we should protect our environmeng and stop wasting any resource


(1)我的这个寒假很特殊,只有一个星期的寒假. I spent a special winter vacation, which only had one week. (2)寒假距离高考只有三个多月的时间. It is only more than three months left before the College Entrance Examination. (3)2008年的高考是新的高考,我每天学习6个小时以上. Because the College Entrance Examination in 2008 was different from ones in other years, I had to study more than 6 hours a day. (4)寒假期间不能像以前一样到亲戚家玩耍. I could not visit relatives as before during the winter vacation. (5)父母希望我今年能上一所重点大学. My parents were hoping that I can be admitted to a key university this year.



(1)有百分之八十的同学喜欢新教材. There are eighty percenty of students like the new textbooks. (2)因为教材里的图片很漂亮,课文很有趣,文化知识丰富 . This is because the new textbooks have beautiful photo illustrations, interesting contents and abundant cutural knowledges. (3)有小部分的同学表示不喜欢新教材,因为句子复杂,很难理解. There are small number of students don't like the new textbooks due to its complex sentences and hard to understand. (4)有一部分同学没有发表意见. There are some student have no opinion about the new textbooks. (5)我认为新教材帮助许多学生提高了英语水平. I think the new textbooks will help many student to improve their english.
