百度知道 - 信息提示

日期:2024-12-29 09:38:32 人气:1

百度知道 - 信息提示


帮忙英语翻译句子 别用翻译器,急急!

只有冷静下来才能有理智地分析 Only calm down can you make a wise analysis 爱一个人就是当听到关于他的不好的传闻时不要被愤怒蒙蔽了双眼从而使得做出冲动的行为 A true love for someone is that you can keep sober and never lose your mind when you hear anything bad for him or her 爱一个人就是要给她足够的信任 If you really love someone, please offer enough space for him or her 如果你被愤怒控制了思维(头脑) If you are dominated by anger
